Monday, May 01, 2006

Mother Day Gifts

If your husband and children are just dying to know what to buy you for Mother's Day, how about suggesting a gift subscription to Heart and Mind!

It's so important the we, as professional educators, keep up on our chosen vocation. We should make sure we're reading all the right books, subscribing to the right magazines, and going to conferences. As mothers we sometimes forget about our own needs, but these things also benefit our children. We don't need to feel guilty about buying Catholic homeschooling books or magazines since these things help us be better teachers to our children.

If you're not familiar with Heart and Mind, it's a nice independent Catholic homeschooling magazine. It comes out quarterly and is small in size, but it still packs a punch. Every single issue has a pull-out unit study that alone is worth the subscription price. There are regular columns by Laura Berquist (Classical Education), Cay Gibson and Ana Braga-Henebry (Literature Alive), and me (Thrifty Homeschooler). Nancy Brown edits one of my favorite columns: A Student's View which is written by a different homeschooled student or graduate each issue. Alicia Van Hecke edits the product reviews. You can't have a great homeschooling magazine without loads of reviews on the latest books and curricula.

Now, I'm a bit partial as a contributing editor, but then I believe so much in this magazine that I donate my time. I don't get paid for articles or editing services other than a free subscription and the satisfaction of offering something of value to my fellow Catholic homeschoolers.

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