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Title: Tracking Virtue, Conquering Vice
Author: Rev. Joseph F. Classen
Publisher: Our Sunday Visitor
Date Published: March 2009
ISBN-10: 1592764762
ISBN-13: 978-1592764761
Price: $14.95 Softcover (10.17 Amazon)
Review: (If you know of any online reviews of this book, please leave a comment and I'll put it here.)
Product Description:
When you read Tracking Virtue, Conquering Vice . . . you ll [be] entertained by a master storyteller, an everyman who's dedicated his life to serving God.
-- Kathy Etling, Outdoor Author
Whether you are looking for a better understanding of nature, or a deeper understanding of God s plan as well as His love for us, I highly recommend Tracking Virtue, Conquering Vice.
-- Jay Houston, Author and Founder of The Outfitter Network and ElkCamp.com
Father Joe Classen, author of the popular Hunting for God, Fishing for the Lord, will be your guide on a new expedition where deep love for the great outdoors and good humor intersect with spiritual truth, in a manner that will appeal to you regardless of your faith tradition.
Drawing upon a wealth of stories from his experience as a hunter and angler, Classen provides powerful and insightful connections between real life and God s plan. Whether he is connecting the dangers and pitfalls of the outdoors with the many obstacles that can derail your faith life or providing clues on tracking your own path through unchartered wilderness, Classen is an entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable guide in this must-have book for any sportsman or nature lover!
About the Author
Father Joseph Classen was ordained to the priesthood in 2003 and is serving in the St. Louis Archdiocese. Along with his priestly ministry, Fr. Classen is an accomplished and passionate outdoorsman, which was the inspiration for his first book, Hunting for God, Fishing for the Lord Encountering the Sacred in The Great Outdoors.
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