Sunday, July 09, 2006

Novena for Homeschool Families

It seems to me that the devil has been hitting Catholic homeschool families hard lately. I know of several families currently struggling with pending divorce. Of course, satan is always going to hit those doing the Lord's work the hardest. And we Catholic homeschoolers are doing no less than the Lord's work.

With that in mind, I hope that you all will join me in praying a novena for our Catholic homeschooling community, particularly our marriages.

I'll post a reminder everyday, starting tomorrow (Monday), for nine days. EWTN always has great novenas and they're easy to link to, so I'll probably choose something that I find there. Unless, of course, one of my gentle readers has a better idea. If you know the perfect novena for us to pray together, please leave a comment here or drop me an email.

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