Sunday, February 26, 2006

Baptizing HP

The best CCD class I ever taught was on Harry Potter . . . unintentionally. I was teaching the Transfiguration. The fourth graders were having a hard time getting it. Then a girl raised her hand and said, "You mean like the Office of Transfiguration in Harry Potter?" I went on to explain the similarities and differences between Jesus' Transfiguration and the Office of Transfiguration in Harry Potter. You should have seen these kids. They were literally on the edge of their seats! Then I said, "Here is the totally cool thing. The Office of Transfiguration in Harry Potter is make believe. Fantasy. Jesus' Transfiguration was REAL! It really happened!" These kids were ooing and ahhing by now, their little faces lit up. Filled with the Holy Spirit (it definitely wasn't me!) I went on . . . "Hermione bilocating -- make believe, fantasy. St. Martin de Porres bilocating REAL! TRUE! How cool is that!" And I went on and on coming up with all kinds of examples. I'm sure that these public school kids never read another Harry Potter book without thinking about the coolness of the Catholic Church!

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