Friday, February 10, 2006

High School of Your Dreams by Nancy Nicholson

I just got this book in the mail and it looks great. I promise a thorough review once I have a chance to read it all the way through, but for now I'll say that I'm sure glad to see this new book available to homeschoolers.

It's pricey at $58, but then it can be used for multiple children and it would be used extensively throughout the four years of high school. That taken into consideration, the price is well worth it.

If you're shaky about spending that much on something sight unseen, make sure to put it on your list of books to check out when you go to your homeschool conference this year.

Nancy Nicholson put a lot of work into this baby and I would like to extend my congratulations to her for a job well done. High School of Your Dreams is available from CHC's beautiful newly revamped website: Or click on the above graphic of the cover to go right to the information page, which will tell you everything that this book includes.

Thank you Nancy and CHC!

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