Monday, December 22, 2008

Unusual First Names

My niece's boyfriend's name is Semaj. Can you guess how his mom came up with that name? Leave your guess in the comments.


Renee said...

I know, I know... do I win a prize? It's James spelled backwards.
We have friends that recently named their ddm Saija .... it's pronounced Sigh-uh.... it's Sarah, in a scandinavian language (I think)

Anonymous said...

Is it because Semaj is James backwards? Just my first thought....the others bet more bizarre so I will keep them to myself. :-)

Jen Ambrose said...

James backwards?

Anonymous said...

James backwards.

Anonymous said...

It is James backwards.

Tobins said...

It's James backwards, but I can't guess why... to name him after his father (or other relative) while not giving him an identical name?

Anonymous said...

It's 'James' backwards... but I don't know why in the world she'd do that. ;)

Shirley said...

my first thought was 'James backwards... I wonder if he came breech?'

MacBeth Derham said...

Are his parents foreign, and born on the same day? Perhaps it's the phonetic spelling of "same age" in urdu? James backwards sounds likely...sort of like Nomar.

Maureen said...

"I wonder if he came out breech" That made my day -- how funny!

Actually his mom named him Samaj because his dad's name is James. Dad wanted the boy named after him, but Mom wanted him to have his own unique name.

And unique it is!

Renee said...

Ttocs would be my son's first name if I went that route.... glad I don't have a son named Ttocs... or a dd named Eener

Maureen said...

My son's name would be Bob so hey it would work for us :-).

MacBeth, I love your thought process!

Sorry, I took so long to give you all the right answer -- we had a party here last night and then I woke up with a touch of the flu this morning.

Annie said...

My oldest son is Aidan. A friend made a mobile with his name as individual letters. I noticed that Aidan backwards is Nadia - a beautiful Russian name which means "hope". For a while, we thought we'd name our daughter Nadia - we are Slavophiles, anyway...but I began to be worried that if we did that she'd be the opposite of Aidan - who was sweet, loving and very easy! So we gave up on that.... But - there's more. We adopted a Russian boy whose name is Sergei. He has a sister who is the same age as Lydia - and his sister (who I feel is rather like a daughter to me now) is named - Nadia!

Maureen said...

What a sweet story Annie. Hey, I need to get around to calling you about . . . well I'll tell you when I call. Or maybe I'll just email.

Maureen said...

What a sweet story Annie. Hey, I need to get around to calling you about . . . well I'll tell you when I call. Or maybe I'll just email.