Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Please Don't Drink the Holy Water

Please Don't Drink the Holy Water: Homeschool Days, Rosary Nights and Other Near Occasions of Sin (Sophia Institute Press) by Susie Lloyd.

I love this book. It is not a how-to book or a book about homeschooling philosophies, it's just pure fun. And you don't even have to be a homeschooling mom to get it. Anyone with kids will totally crack up reading Please Don't Drink the Holy Water.

I have to admit that this book sat on my shelf for a few months without being read. Then Drama Diva picked it up and started reading it. She told me, "Mom, this lady sounds just like you. You've got to read this!" Maybe that's why I love this book, I can so relate to Susie's funny stories.

Susie also has a column in Latin Mass if you'd like the opportunity to read her work elsewhere. In fact, here is an online article: The Successful Homeschool: Some Key Ingredients.

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