Thursday, February 23, 2006

Steve Wood, Pokemon, HP, and Humility

Because I live across the street from the airport, my volunteer job for our state homeschool conference is sometimes to pick up the speakers and take them to their hotel. This is the best conference job you can ask for, imo.

A few years ago I was very excited to be able to pick up Steve Wood (who, btw, had just come out with articles about the evils of Pokemon and Harry Potter).

My sister was visiting from out of state and she offered to let me use her mini van. I thought it a brilliant idea since it was a lot more comfy than the Wittmann rust bucket. I was also pleased to have my nephew and son tag along.

As Steve got into the passenger seat he peeked around to the back where the boys were sitting. My nephew gave his Gameboy to my son and then picked up a book to read.
Steve asked my son, "Whatcha playing? Baseball?"
"No, Pokemon."
Then he turns to my nephew,"Whatcha reading?"
"Harry Potter."

I imagined myself in for a scolding about how I am the devil's agent, but Steve was very gracious and simply changed the subject.
Thank goodness.

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