Monday, August 07, 2006

One Book Meme

Mike Aquilina is making me fill out this blog meme thing. I'm afraid that mine won't be nearly as heady as his survey. The last seventeen years have been spent reading children's books. In fact, last night I sat down to read Augustine's Confessions when Princess Rose sat on my lap and begged me to read Miss Spider's Tea Party. It wasn't long before other children were begging for their own books to be read. I suppose Augustine will have to wait another decade or two.

1. One book that changed your life.
The Bible.

2. One book that you’ve read more than once.
The Spear by Louis de Wohl. I try to read it every Lent. That is, if I can hide away long enough from little children who have their own agendas.

3. One book you’d want on a desert island.
The Survivor's Handbook.

4. One book that made you laugh.
Winnie the Pooh. That Winnie is just a hoot!

5. One book that made you cry.
The Magic Treehouse series. I breaks my heart knowing that publishers allow such dribble to be put into print. Sad.

6. One book that you wish had been written.
How to Learn Latin While Sleeping.

7. One book that you wish had never been written.
Barney's Special Day. Is it not enough that we have to tolerate Barney on video? We have to read about him too?

8. One book you’re currently reading.
Miss Spider's Tea Party.

9. One book you’ve been meaning to read.
Confessions by St. Augustine.

Okay, now I'm suppose to tag some other bloggers. So, I tag all the bloggers at Love2Learn, except for Nancy. She hates memes (I can't blame her).

1 comment:

Ana Braga-Henebry said...

Tagged-- I am getting to it. Fun, fun.
Thanks, Ana.