Saturday, March 03, 2007

Catholic Book on HP

Nancy Brown is writing a new book and she even has a contract! And I get to help with proofreading. Very exciting! Make sure to head over to her blog and tell her "Congrats!"


Suzanne said...

I still don't get it. After reading all of the comments about is hard to tell if our young teens should continue reading them. I have so much to do with homeschooling and keeping up that it is difficult for me to read everything my son is reading. I try..this one has me stumped. Does the Pope approve or not? Do most good Catholic home educators approve or not? All I know is my son cannot seem to put them down now that I went along with a few Catholic homeschoolers that is would be okay. He reads other things in between, but he is at such a up and down stage now in his life (just turned 13) and he is into the 5th book. Last night he was went to bed and was told to turn the lights out...I found his door shut (which it never is) and that told me that lights went back on after I must have fallen asleep.
He was irritating to be around this morning and acting totally off the wall silly. I could really use a little advice here. I just want to do the best thing it okay to keep reading? Your thoughts please!
My email
Suzanne THANKS!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the response I received from Nancy, btw. Suzanne