Friday, September 07, 2007

DK Eyewitness and Copywork

We are getting some formal schoolwork done around here. I sat down with Buster and Sparky yesterday to do some copywork. I gave Buster a book on cell biology (hey, he loves science). And I let Sparky go to the bookshelf and pick any DK Eyewitness book he wanted. I wasn't too surprised when he came back with Pirate -- it's such a boy thing to do.

I love the DK Eyewitness books for copywork and dictation. They're filled with simple, little vignettes. Okay, they're not great literature but, hey, they do the job I need. The kids get some handwriting practice and I can check on their punctuation, capitalization, spelling, etc. Plus, they may just retain some cool facts.

For those of you on a budget, the Eyewitness books are easily found at the library. You should keep in mind that DK is a secular publisher and so pre-read before handing them over to the kids. You may have to make a verbal correction or two.

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