Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Flying Mouse

If your waffle making daughter can't sleep at night because her pet mouse is running on the wheel and she puts the mouse's cage on the top step leading to the basement without mentioning it to anyone and then closes the door, it's possible that you'll get up the following morning, decide to wash your sheets, open the door to the basement, hands full of sheets and, unable to see below, step on the cage, fall backwards on your behind, and send the cage flying through the air, only to land ten feet below with a loud crash. It's also possible that the mouse will live through the ordeal . . . as well as the daughter.

Just in case you were wondering.


Simple Faith and Life said...

You gave my family a needed laugh. Hope you're okay, though!

As well as your daughter.

Renee said...

Oh no!!! Sure it wasn't MOnday at your house....
glad the mouse survived? I think.

Dani said...

LOL! I hope your bum isn't too sore. Glad you both lived to tell about it. *smile* love, Dani

Marisa said...

Its just her own version of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Very funny!

Mike said...

I don't know which was funnier "The Flying Mouse" or "Burnt Waffles". If you manage to survive these rich life experience, I thnk you have the material for a good screenplay. Instead of they Flying Nun you could be the Flying Mum.

Maureen said...

The Flying Mum -- too funny!!! Will you design the sets for me?