Sunday, January 13, 2008

God is Like So Way Cool

Friday, I had to write a check for our March for Life trip. A big check. A check for $1,500.

We only had $812 in the checking account.

I prayed.

I prayed hard, "God, please send me money!"

The mail came. There were lots of checks from the March for Life travelers.

I added up the checks. I added up the check register. Guess how much money was in the account after the day's deposit.


God sent EXACTLY what I needed. I wrote the $1,500 check and had a dollar left over to keep the account open!!!

Now, I just need $315 to pay for the food at the retreat center. Not to worry though -- God will send it. Plus a dollar!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God is sooooo good!! He does it every time!