Friday, January 04, 2008

We Love Author Michael Dubruiel

First, make sure you have the right email address for entering the contest. I'm afraid that I had the wrong email address posted yesterday for a period of time before catching it and correcting it. The link was correct but the typed out version was wrong. The correct email addy is Please accept my heartfelt apology. I promise to make it up to you with more free book offerings!

The winners of yesterday's free books are:
Emily from AB
Beth from MI
Theresia from OH
Margaret Mary from MD
Terri from MI

Congratulations everyone! Our Sunday Visitor will be mailing the copies of A Pocket Guide to the Mass by Michael Dubruiel directly to the winners. If you didn't win and you'd love to own a copy yourself, it's easy enough to find at OSV, your favorite Catholic book seller, or even at

Now, for today's featured book. It's another Michael Dubruiel title: The Power of the Cross. Today we have three copies to give away. You have a good chance of winning, so don't waste anytime getting that entry in to me.

Let's review the contest rules. Send an email to me HERE (RWitt1776 at aol dot com) before 5 AM Eastern tomorrow (Saturday) morning. You do need to send a new email each day.

Make sure to include your name and mailing address -- otherwise I can't have the book mailed to you. The kids and I will randomly choose the winners from all of the emails.

I'll announce the winners tomorrow morning, along with the contest book for that day, so make sure to check back.

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